Meet Bianca


The Mission

My mission is to empower women to show up in their lives as the most healthiest, happiest, and most confident version of themselves. Growing up as a first generation Afro-Latina, I witnessed most of my peers while being dedicated mother's, wives, and the backbone of their families also constantly put themselves last.

I believe by giving to yourself through a healthy lifestyle, you'll be more able to contribute to the world, your goals, and to those around you.

A healthy lifestyle starts with you. It's like a domino effect that inspires and empowers those around you to also live their best and healthiest life.


 About Me

My name is Bianca. My workout journey began after giving birth to my first child almost 8 years ago. For months I remember going though a very deep and dark  postpartum depression while being a new mom, college student and part-time employee. There were days where I barely wanted to get out of bed, eat, or take care of myself or my body... after hitting a very low rock bottom point, I knew I needed to change everything about what I was doing completely.

Knowing I needed to be strong, I made the decision that I wanted to completely change my life for the better. And one of the things I really wanted to start with was working out a few days a week.

As I began doing this, I started posting and sharing some of my struggles online, and the more I did, the more I realized that I wasn't alone. And the more I shared, the more I realized there were women just like me who were struggling through the same issues.

Somehow, this motivated me to be even stronger. And soon after, I committed and obtained my NASM Nutrition Coach, ACE Personal Training Certification, and ACE Weight Management Specialist credentials to truly help women with backed knowledge, understanding, and proper training.